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MSW Mechanical Biological Treatment Technologies

Sorting Systems

The input waste is a heterogeneous mixture of different solid products. Etan offers an effective sorting system to separate the waste into different streams. The recyclable materials, such as paper, metal, grass, etc are collected and further reused. The organic compounds are degraded and converted to energy by an anaerobic digestion system. The high calorific fractions, such as plastic, textile, leather, wood, are converted to Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). The patanted “Hydropulper” and “Hydrocyclone” technologies can effectively removed the contaminants from the organic waste stream so as to ensure clean and safe compost as final product.

Unloading of Solid Waste
Receiving and Pre-sorting

- Remove bulky items
- Constant feed into bag opener
- Glass recovery
- Worker safety design

Waste Stream Separation

The trommel opens up bags and screens out large inorganic contaminants. A magnetic system will divert ferrous material from the waste stream.

Manual Sorting cabin

Safe working environment
Air conditioned
Multiple product streams possible

Recyclable Handling Equipment

Recyclable Plastics, Paper, Metals etc.
Will be baled as shown and sold to Recycling Companies.
Waste Pulper
- The waste pulper (hydropulper) is a very effective separation technology. When facilitated by the Grit Removal System will effectively removes all inorganic contamination such as sand, stone, metal grits, bones, broken glass, batteries, films and so on from incoming waste after the first sorting process.
- This Pulper Process is critically important as it ensures the final composting product to be free from heavy metals and contaminants.
- Light fraction material such as plastic films and textile are removed in this process.

Waste Pulper Residuals

The Light Fraction consists primarily of plastics but it also contains small amounts of textiles.

Waste Pulper Residuals

Heavy fraction consisting glass, metal, batteries, bones etc.

Grit Removal System

The Grit Removal System (hydrocyclone) removes remaining inorganic contaminants such as shards of glass, small stones and grits .
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